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I can't sleep without saying Good Night

You are the reason
why I have sleepless nights.

You are the reason why
I tend to hold my pillow tight.

And you are the reason
I can't sleep without saying Good Night.

When Nights are long & Friends are few

When Nights are long & Friends are few,
I sit by my Window & think of u.
a silent whisper a silent tear.
with all my Heart i wish you were here.
Good Night & sweet dreams

We look forward to new day

Another day ends and
we look forward 2 a new day
with great anticipation.

But a true friendship never ends
whatever the passage of time.
Good Night dear friend.

A prayer to protect until morning

I'm sending a pillow of happy thoughts
to create wonderful dreams,
a blanket of care to comfort you all night
A prayer to protect until morning.


Trust me i will always be around

Don't ever give up when u r down,
it doesn't matter if u fall many times,

just remember that each time u fall,
i'll never let u reach the ground,
trust me, i will always be around.