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You make me miss you so much

Whenever I miss you stars falls down
from the sky,

so any day,
if you find the sky empty don't blame me!

It's your fault
You make me miss you so much! :-)

You is for Me - Me is for You

R: is for Red.
RED: is for Blood
BLOOD: is for Heart
HEART: is for Love
LOVE: is for You
YOU: is for Me
ME: is for You.
(((I MISS YOU)))

My heart is saying I MISS U

the moon is looking at you! see
stars are shining 4 u!

birds are singing 2 u!

my heart is saying to you..

Missing you gets easier every day

Missing you gets easier every day
because even though it's one day
further from the last time we saw each other


it's one day closer
to the next time we will meet.

Some one feels Alone without you

Value of relation is not that how much you feel happy with some one . .
But it is that how much some one feels ALONE without you.