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Students tell your names and hobbies

New Teacher: Students tell your names and hobbies.. ??
Boys: I’m Amit , My hobby is watching Bubble.
I’m Vicky: My hobby is watching Bubble
I’m Manish: My hobby is also watching Bubble.
I’m Anshul:  My hobby is also watching Bubble.
I’m Mohit: My hobby is also watching Bubble.
Teacher:”Oh, all boys have same hobbies, That’s Good… )
Now Girls, Please.. ??
Girl: Hi My name is Bubble…

Good Friends are those

Good Friends are those:
Who care without hesitation
Who remember without limitations
Who help without any reservation
And who remain the same even without communication!

Result of changing the Job


A passenger touched the taxi driver on the shoulder to ask him to stop.

The driver screamed, lost control, nearly hit a bus,
went up on the foot path, & smashed against a wall.

Then the driver said: Don’t you everdo that again, you scared me!

The passenger asked: How did a little touch scare u so much?

Driver replied,Its my first day as a taxi driver.
I’ve been driving a van carrying Dead Bodies for the last 25 year... o_O

BBM and Whatsapp for chat gossip

BBM and Whatsapp have been ranked
2nd and 3rd for chat and gossip.
Women continue to retain the 1st position!

What is Love Answer by boy

What is Love???
Answer by a boy - Love is the 7th sense of human
which destroys all 6 senses n make the person nonsense...:D ;) :O :P