I have entered your name in my Life's #JOURNAL
Posted you in the #LEDGER of my #HEART
And classified you as a FIXED ASSET.
Because the MARKET VALUE of your #FRIENDSHIP
shall never DEPRECIATE in my heart! <3View Full
A heart touching reply by a woman
Some one asked her : Are you a working woman or a house-wife ???
She replied : Yes I am a full time working house-wife.
I work 24 hours a day.....
I'm a "mum",
I'm a wife,
I'm a daughter,View Full
i may not be a clock that
may text U 24 hrs a day,
but my #Heart will be like a clock
that will not stop caring 4 U &
saying U R always remembered..... !!View Full
A Precious #Friendship Doesnt Die.
It Lives On.
in The Hearts Of #Friends.
U May Be Unseen And UnHeard.
But U Will Always Be #Missed And #Remembered....View Full
If U #HATE someone,
U tell it to everyone…..
without any fear.
If U #LOVE someone ♥♥♥
U fear even to tell the loved One
Its Amazing but True……!!!View Full
To FEEL someone in every HEARTBEAT,
To FIND someone in every THOUGHT,
To SEE someone with CLOSED EYES,
And to MiSS someone without any reason...View Full