Life starts with a voice but ends with silence.
Love starts with a fear but ends with tears.
True friendship starts any where & ends no where...View Full
When things go wrong...
When sadness fills ur heart...
When tears flow in ur eyes...
always remember 3 things
2---ur parents
3---my sincere prayers
GOOD LUCK & God bless U.View Full
When Nights are long & Friends are few,
I sit by my Window & think of u.
a silent whisper a silent tear.
with all my Heart i wish you were here.
Good Night & sweet dreamsView Full
The 1who holds ur hand in a crowd,wich is against u.
The 1who tap ur bak,when ur wrong.
The 1who'll do evrything for u, but refuses a word of thanks.
The 1who msgs u,saying 'hey idiot rply me'.View Full
I aimed at a beautiful flower in the branches of a tall tree..
But I lost my balance & fell into a pond...
I got very disappointed..
My eyes were filled with tears...
If I could be any part of you,
I’d be your tears.
To be conceived in your heart,
born in your eyes,
live on your cheeks,
and die on your lips.View Full