116 Results

Person who can find Love behind

The person who can find sorrow behind your smile…
words behind your silence and Love behind your anger,
is the person who can hold you forever.
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I sit and think of all memories

Sometimes, I sit and think of all the memories I’ve made and smile. }
Then I smile even more at the thought of memories yet to be made.
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Silence & Smile are powerful tools

SILENCE & SMILE are two powerful tools.
Smile is the way to solve many problems.
Silence is the way to avoid many problems.
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U have 1000 reasons to Smile

Live with no excuses and Love with no regrets.
When Life gives U a 100 reasons to cry,
show Life that U have 1000 reasons to Smile.
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Give love to all but Heart to one

Give laugh to all but smile to one,
Give cheeks to all but lips to one,
Give love to all but Heart to one,
Let everybody Love you
But you Love one.
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The stars are out The moon is up

The stars are out,
The moon is up, 1 more Hug,
1 more Smile, Kiss you once,
Kiss you twice Now it's time 4 bed.
Close ur eyes
sleep tight
Good Night
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I still remember you my Friend

Who is He/She ?

The 1who holds ur hand in a crowd,wich is against u.
The 1who tap ur bak,when ur wrong.
The 1who'll do evrything for u, but refuses a word of thanks.
The 1who msgs u,saying 'hey idiot rply me'.
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May you begin this day with a smile

May you begin this day
with a smile on your face,
and with happiness for your soul to embrace.
Good Morning
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I have a heart to see you smile

To be honest with you
I dont have the words to make you feel better
but I do have the arms to give you a hug
ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about
I have a heart; a heart thats aching to see you smile again.
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Why we need words to say

Wen a TOUCH could HEAL a wound
Wen EYES cud SPEAK volumes
Wen a SMILE can confirm I M THERE
Then why do v need words 2 say I LOVE YOU.
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