Make a ‪#Mind‬ which never minds,,,
Make a ‪#Heart‬ which never hurts...
Make a Touch which never pains...
Make a ‪#Relation‬ which never Ends!!!View Full
A Girl asked a Boy -
Why we fall in a relationship
when we know that someday it will end...
Boy- I will answer you...
But first tell me why do we Live
When we know that someday we will die...View Full
When a Boy says Sorry even though He didn't do anything
When a Boy cries because he still Loves you or misses you
When a Boy still tries to get you Back
When a Boy no matter how much you hurt him still Loves you...View Full
Romantic #Relationships are based on
expectations and responsibilities.
Professional relationships are based on
Gains and Losses.
But #Friendship is based on
#Smiles and #Laughter. :)View Full
People say, that there is
'No Sorry' and 'No Thanks'
in a relationship
but, experience says, that,
most of the time
these two words
always save the relations.View Full
Try to Develop these 5 things:-
A Mind which never minds
A #Heart which never hurts
A Brain which never drains
A Touch which never pains
A #Relation which never ends...View Full
If U want a Strong And
Never Ending Relationship
Then Learn To Apologize,
Even When Its Not Your Mistake
Bcoz Its Necessary To
Keep The Relationship Not The Ego !!!View Full
Each Relation May Change In Life
But Friendship Always Remains Same
Does Not Sees The Person
And Does Not Sees The Blame
As So Pure And It's So Rear
I Know My Friend Is Always There...View Full