All you need is deep with in you
waiting to reveal itself.
All you have to do is be still,
take time to see what is with in.
And you will surely find it...View Full
A Superb Quote...
L()\/E Someone ...
Not Because They Give You What You Need...!!!
Because They Give You Feelings
You Never Thought You Needed ... !!! :)View Full
Loving someone who doesn't #Love you,
Is like bating When you need 37 Runs in 6 Balls...
You know it's Impossible,
But you still have a small hope
That #ISHANT will bowl the over.. :DView Full
A Girl will Smile in Pain, Cry in Joy..
She will give Up all Her Pleasures just
for a Smile from Someone She Loves..
She will Change a 100 Dresses, n
still not Like any..
She will Shout Like Maniacs;View Full
GF: Where R You ... ?
PAPPU: I'm At Bank.
GF: I Need 30,000 For New Cell
Phone & 10,000 For New Mini Skirts.
PAPPU: Sorry, I Mean I'm At 'Blood Bank '
"KHOON PIYEGI KHOON"... ? :P :DView Full
Life lessons are very important to Us.
We'll need to learn from our mistakes
and correct our errors
before we have the chance to become who we want to be...View Full
Some of the best moments in #Life
â–º Lying in bed listening to the Rain outside.
â–º Thinking about the person U #Love
â–º Taking a long drive on a calm road
â–º Finding money in your old jeans just U need it
â–º Holding your hands with your FriendView Full
Best Moment Of Life..!
When You Need To Tell
Someone Your #Feelings.
But You Just Can’t and
Then You Hug The Person
And That Person Says In Your Ears…
I Understand... [♥]View Full
I M In Love
My eyes miss u..
My feeling love u..
My hand need u..
My mind call u..
My heart just for u..
I will die without u..
Because I Love U <3 <3 :*View Full