Any one can Love a Rose.
But no one will love a Leaf
that made the #Rose.
Dont Love some one who is beautiful
but Love the one who can make UR #Life beautiful.
Happy Rose DayView Full
Every bird cannot dance
But peacock do it
Every friend can not reach my heart
But u did it.
Every Flower can not express Love
But rose do it.
Happy Rose DayView Full
Its easy to…
Deactivate account…
Unfriend someone…
Delete a number…
Ignore a call….
Its impossible to erase
someone from your memories & life
whom you loved some day... ♥View Full
I feel something in my heart,
It's like a little flame,
Every time I see you,
This flame lights up,
This flame is special for you,
♥ Because I LOVE YOU! ♥View Full
1 Stone is Enough To Break A Glass…:P
1 Word is Enough To Break a Heart…;)
1 Second is Enough To Fall in Love…. :D
But Why
1 Chapter is not Enough To Pass Exam’s…View Full
Life is too short to wake up
in the morning with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right
forget about the ones who dont.
GOOOD MORNING!! :-))View Full