I LOVE U because I cant live without U…
I MISS U because I’m addicted to ur company…
I LIKE U because no 1 is so sweet like u…
I WANT U because you make me feel safe…
I NEED U because U R my world…♥♥♥View Full
Love can sometimes be fresh.. Love can sometimes be new.. Love can sometimes make you happy..
And sometimes make you blue.. Love is the light that radiates from your eyes.. Love is your image floating in the skin.. Love is true..View Full
Sweeter than the candies Lovelier than the red roses,
more huggable than soft toys
Sweetheart wishing you a Rose Day
that is as special as you are..
Happy Rose DayView Full
Lovely roses and lovely U
and lovely are the things U do
but the loveliest is the friendship of the two
one is me and other is U
'Happy Rose Day'View Full