Eyes speak more
when a heart starts listening
to some one silently
& Life seems more beautiful
when some one starts
reading your eyes silently !!!View Full
There are people who enter your Life
like a storm and destroy everything you have.
Then there are some people
who help you rebuild yourself.....View Full
Making friends for the complete Life is not important.
But having a Friend who fills up
the incompleteness in your Life is the most Important!View Full
Expecting & Accepting are two sides of LIFE
Where expecting ends in tears,
while accepting makes you cheer...
Accept #LIFE the way it comes...!!!View Full
Having a Girlfriend
or Boyfriend is Not Love
Having someone in your Life
on whom u have Blind faith
That Even If U Hurt Them To Extreme,
they will still hold your hand n say-
I was yours and I will always Be Yours love <3 <3View Full