Some people are so Lucky
that even after Hurting..
They get so much of Love.
Many are so unlucky that even after Loving so much..
They only get Hurt..!!View Full
Make a ‪#Mind‬ which never minds,,,
Make a ‪#Heart‬ which never hurts...
Make a Touch which never pains...
Make a ‪#Relation‬ which never Ends!!!View Full
Do not Love a friend who Hurts you,
And Do not hurt a friend who Loves you...
Sacrifice everything for a True Friend,,,
But do not ever sacrifice a Friend for anything!View Full
When a Boy says Sorry even though He didn't do anything
When a Boy cries because he still Loves you or misses you
When a Boy still tries to get you Back
When a Boy no matter how much you hurt him still Loves you...View Full
Some people #Hurt by words ,
Some by Action & Some by Silence ...
But the biggest #Hurt I believe is
That Someone ignoring us
When We Value them a lot....View Full
Try to Develop these 5 things:-
A Mind which never minds
A #Heart which never hurts
A Brain which never drains
A Touch which never pains
A #Relation which never ends...View Full