SMILE is a cooling system of heart, Sparkling system of eyes, Lighting system of face, Relaxing system of mind. So activate all system by a sweet SMILE.View Full
Our mind always opposes our heart,
but always do what ur heart says...
bcoz heart never think of profit/gain,
it always think of person u love most...View Full
Soft Speech clean heart,
peaceful Eyes, strengthful Hands,
focussed mind and determined decision with God's Love.
Alway Makes you winner.
<<<<<< BEST OF LUCK >>>>>>>View Full
If I could be any part of you,
I’d be your tears.
To be conceived in your heart,
born in your eyes,
live on your cheeks,
and die on your lips.View Full
I feel something in my heart,
It's like a little flame,
Every time I see you,
This flame lights up,
This flame is special for you,
♥ Because I LOVE YOU! ♥View Full
#Smile will be complete
When it begins in your #Heart,
reflects in your eyes
and ends with a glow on your face.
Wish you an ever #Smiling life!
Good Day!View Full
A strong #Friendship doesn't need
daily conversation, doesn't always need
togetherness, as long as the
relationship lives in the heart,
true friends will never part..."View Full