What is Facebook....... -??
Its when a boy posts a joke He gets No Response .........:(
When a Girl Posts the Same Joke,
She gets (60 likes),
(35 frnd requests),View Full
If a person is silent it doesnt mean
that he is un-aware of FUN & ENJOYMENT
it means life has taught him some serious lessons
may b he is
Married :D :PView Full
Boyfriend : Please keep me in your brain, not in your heart..;)
Girlfriend : How funny, why not heart..?
Boyfriend : Because
Your heart is housefull and brain is empty,
more empty space means more comfort ;) :PView Full
Santa's marriage got fixed for 2nd November.
He sent an Invite to all his friends:
Marriage is on 2nd, please come on the Ist Night.
We'll all have fun together! :P haha :vView Full