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A Friend who loves you dearly

There are two types of people who can tell you the truth about yourself:
an enemy who has lost his temper
and A Friend who loves you dearly.

True Friendship ends no where

Life starts with a voice but ends with silence.
Love starts with a fear but ends with tears.
True friendship starts any where & ends no where...

Life is a great travel trip

Life is a great travel trip,
Problem is that it doesnt come wid a map.
We hav to search our own way to reach d destinations..

Our friendship like hands of clock

Our friendship is like hands of clock,
Though we r in d same clock, we r nt able 2 meet.
Even if we meet, It is only 4few mins But stil our friendship runs nonstop.

Why popcorn Jump on a Hot stove

Why does the popcorn Jump when kept on a Hot stove?
Just sit on the stove and see,
then you will know why it Jumps!