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We can't have all that we desire

Life can be happier & stressless if we remember one simple thought:
"We can't have all that we desire, but God will give us all that we deserve




So Always Take Care

Care is sweetest essense in world
if someone says take care
it means
U live in dat peron's heart till d last beat
....So Always Take Care.....

Its difficult to forget someone

Some says its difficult 2 wait 4 sum1...
Some says its difficult 2 4get some1......
But i say d most dificult thing is
2 decide whethr 2 wait or 2 4gt some1...

Friends never leave each other

Friends never leave each other..
Friends never depart...
They just sit somewhere silently deep in each others heart saying...

Don't be a Parrot in life

Don't be a Parrot in life,
Be an Eagle..! 
A Parrot speaks but can't fly high,
An Eagle is Silent & has will power to touch the Sky...