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Why you Love Someone

LOving SomeOne DOesn't Need A ReasOn ..

If YOu Can Explain Why YOu LOve SOmeOne
It's Called "Like " ..
If YOu Can't Explain
It's Simply Called "LOVE"

Google Earth gives us opportunity

Google Earth Gives Us The Opportunity
To Go And See Every Part Of The World.
What Do We Do?
We End Up Looking At Our Own House  :P

You are the architect of your life

People will always throw stones in your path
It depends on what you make from it
Remember you are the architect of your life.

God thinks you can do it

God'll not give u a burden u can't handle.
So, if you find yourself in a mess
that's impossible to resolve,
Take it as a compliment;
God thinks you can do it!

God makes you fall to give more

I aimed at a beautiful flower in the branches of a tall tree..
But I lost my balance & fell into a pond...
I got very disappointed..
My eyes were filled with tears...

But when I regained calmness,
I saw many beautiful Lotuses floating around me..!!
This is LIFE...

God makes U fall at times,
to fill ur Life with good virtues..
Life takes away what U desire,
To give U more than what U desired for...