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Difference between us and Camels

Banta: What's the difference between us and Camels?
Santa: They can work without drinking for 7 days
We can drink without working for 7 days!
Cheers !!!

What she wanted for her birthday

Pappu: I asked my girlfriend what she wanted for her birthday.

Bunty: So what did she ask for?
Pappu: She replied that
"NOTHING would make me happier than diamonds".

Bunty: So you get her diamonds?
Pappu: No. I got her 'NOTHING'.... :P

Friendship is how you understand

#Friendship is :
Not how you #Forget but how you #Forgive,
Not how you #Listen but how you #Understand,
Not what you #See but how you #Feel,
And not how you LET GO but how you HOLD ON

Fourth law of Motion

Pappu wanted 2 become a great scientist like Newton
After long research,
He wrote the 4th law of motion:
“Loose motion can never be done in slow motion”..! :P

Because I LOVE YOU

I feel something in my heart,
It's like a little flame,
Every time I see you,
This flame lights up,
This flame is special for you,
♥ Because I LOVE YOU! ♥