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If our hearts are open

DifferenceS of habit and language
are nothing at all
if our aimS R identical
and our heartS R open.. !!!

My brain ask heart Why you remember

One day my #brain ask my #heart
Why are you remembering those ones
Who haven't remember you any moment ???

My heart replied . . .
you need reason
I need Relation <3

If you are Avoided by Someone

Once you feel you are Avoided by Someone,
Never Disturb Them again .. !
…B'coz ;
The One Who Thinks;
You are Disturbing Them
Will never Know
How much you Care for Them.

Single Moment of Miss Understanding

★A Single Moment Of Miss Understanding
Is very POisOnOus
Because Within a Minute
It Makes us tO Forget the
Hundred LOvable MOments
Spent together <3 :)

In Relationship Trust & Loyalty is important

Relationship is Not about AGE.
Not about DISTANCE.
Not about communicating,
each other everyday.
What Important most is:
The TRUST of Girl to her Man,
The LOYALTY of Man to his Girl