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Graduate with degree asks

A graduate with a science degree asks,
"Why does it work?"
A graduate with an engineering degree asks,
"How does it work?"
A graduate with an accounting degree asks,
"How much will it cost?"
A graduate with an arts degree asks,
"Do you want fries with that?"

Crackerless Diwali

Crackerless #Diwali,
Colourless #Holi,
#Cashless Transactions!
What next?

Brideless Weddings? 😀😬😂

How much you Love me?

Wife: How much do you Love me...???
Husband: 78.125%

Wife: Why not 100%...??



Husband: 28 % GST on luxurious items...!! smiley

Girl Chatting with boy

A Girl #Chatting with a boy:
Girl: I #Love you
Boy: I Love you too <3

Girl: Too late
Boy: You texted me at 10:55, I replied back at 10:57 :/

Girl: What the hell were you doing at 10:56???

History of Women's Day

Did you know.?
History of Women's Day !
Initially Women's Day was planned on 6th March...

Women took 2 days to get ready.
That's how it got postponed to 8th March!!! :D :P

Men's day was also planned
but as usual they forgot the Date :D :P